Capacity: 1000ml (1 Liter)
In bodybuilding and sports activities say them, the demand for water and supplements is great, you cannot prepare additional foods into glasses and use them. First of all, it will be difficult to do it and the 2nd important thing is that you cannot take them to the GYM room to sip. The shaker (shake bottle) is even more effective when you have to go out for a few hours you can’t load additional foods, now you’ll store them in the shaker (Shaker) for use as soon as you need it. And at GYM you will need 1 shaker (shake bottle) with many compartments so you can store preworkout, intra workout and post workout. Of course, if 1 shaker (shake bottle) is not enough, you can bring 2 or 3 to GYM, of course your backpack will be smaller when storing 3 additional food boxes.
As mentioned above the needs of water in great exercise, you need to choose 1 shaker (shake bottle) with a capacity of 1000ml, with good powder dissolving ability, no rust. Water when shaking or accidentally falling to the floor. In terms of color, you can choose any color you like, but transparent white is always the most luxurious and high-class color (the transparent shakers are usually more advanced and expensive. Other color shakers) and it is important that you can see the watercolor inside, creating 1 stimulation to support your training spirit better.
Of course, plastic is very difficult to damage, unless cracked or broken, but you should not use 1 shaker (shake bottle) for too long, this is definitely not available. Beneficial for your health. The production of a shaker (shake bottle) or a baby bottle is 1 sensitive industry that hides many dangerous chemicals affecting health, life and reproductive health. Human. Therefore, you should choose shaker products of clear origin, imported through official channel through medical quality inspection from legal testing agencies of the state..
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